Pelle Caterpillar 320D3 - NEW / bucket with teeth / hammerlines neuf à vendre, prix: 89000 EUR, ID: 8492142
Belgique - Français | EUR
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89 000EUR

Prix HT

  • ≈ 96 282 USD

Caterpillar 320D3 - NEW / bucket with teeth / hammerlines

Pelle neufCaterpillar 320D3 - NEW / bucket with teeth / hammerlines

89 000EUR

Prix HT

Pelle neuf Caterpillar 320D3 - NEW / bucket with teeth / hammerlines

Publié: 1mois 2jour(s)

Pelle neuf Caterpillar 320D3 - NEW / bucket with teeth / hammerlines: photos 1
Pelle neuf Caterpillar 320D3 - NEW / bucket with teeth / hammerlines: photos 2
Pelle neuf Caterpillar 320D3 - NEW / bucket with teeth / hammerlines: photos 3
Pelle neuf Caterpillar 320D3 - NEW / bucket with teeth / hammerlines: photos 4
Pelle neuf Caterpillar 320D3 - NEW / bucket with teeth / hammerlines: photos 5
Pelle neuf Caterpillar 320D3 - NEW / bucket with teeth / hammerlines: photos 6
Pelle neuf Caterpillar 320D3 - NEW / bucket with teeth / hammerlines: photos 7
Pelle neuf Caterpillar 320D3 - NEW / bucket with teeth / hammerlines: photos 8
Pelle neuf Caterpillar 320D3 - NEW / bucket with teeth / hammerlines: photos 9
Pelle neuf Caterpillar 320D3 - NEW / bucket with teeth / hammerlines: photos 10
Pelle neuf Caterpillar 320D3 - NEW / bucket with teeth / hammerlines: photos 11
Pelle neuf Caterpillar 320D3 - NEW / bucket with teeth / hammerlines: photos 12
Pelle neuf Caterpillar 320D3 - NEW / bucket with teeth / hammerlines: photos 13
Pelle neuf Caterpillar 320D3 - NEW / bucket with teeth / hammerlines: photos 14
Pelle neuf Caterpillar 320D3 - NEW / bucket with teeth / hammerlines: photos 15
Pelle neuf Caterpillar 320D3 - NEW / bucket with teeth / hammerlines: photos 16
Pelle neuf Caterpillar 320D3 - NEW / bucket with teeth / hammerlines: photos 17
Pelle neuf Caterpillar 320D3 - NEW / bucket with teeth / hammerlines: photos 18
Pelle neuf Caterpillar 320D3 - NEW / bucket with teeth / hammerlines: photos 19
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Publié: 1mois 2jour(s)


89 000EUR

Prix HT

  • ≈ 96 282 USD
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Année de fabrication




Les Pays-Bas, BIG 5 Douane entrepot

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-bucket with teeth


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89 000EUR

Prix HT

  • ≈ 96 282 USD

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t1 test unit - Big Machinery B.V.